An air quality test can detect indoor pollutants you might suspect as well as others you may not have even considered. Let’s face it: The indoor environment is more closed up than ever in order to achieve improved temperature control and energy efficiency. The downside to a tightly sealed, efficient structure is that indoor air quality can be compromised as the environment becomes stale and tainted. Pollutants and particulates may rise to levels that trigger symptoms in certain individuals. Others may not cause immediate physical irritation but instead pose health risks over the long run.
The indoor environment accumulates biological pollutants such as dust mites, toxic mold spores, pollen, and pet dander. In addition, chemical pollutants and vapors also play a role, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), cleaning substances like benzene, paint fumes, carbon monoxide, and radon. Testing can identify risk factors that may be present in your indoor environment as well as point the way to improvements that need to be made.
Air Quality Testing
- Environmental air testing can be performed when occupants often feel sick with a headache or coughing, but once they leave the particular environment the symptoms subside. This scenario is known as “Sick Building Syndrome”. Also, those with major medical issues may warrant testing in the home.
- There are professionals that offer such testing that may include a thorough walk thru inspection of the property that would include the collection of parameter data such as humidity, temperature, CO2, and CO measurements. This type of inspection will assist in the collection of information needed to determine any air quality issues.
Keep in mind that not all structures require an air quality testing plan to improve the indoor air quality. In most cases, problems associated with indoor air quality can be resolved by simple measures to eliminate the pollutant sources. Your HVAC professional can also share options to improve indoor air quality in your home or business.
For more advice about indoor air quality solutions, talk to the professionals at Jackson & Sons.