When it’s time to install a new AC system in your Eastern North Carolina home, you can weigh many factors in making your decision. One of those factors is the AC rating regarding energy efficiency. As you begin to explore the energy efficiency of AC units and their ratings, you’ll discover that higher efficiency ratings translate into better performance and comfort. Here’s what to know about AC efficiency ratings and choosing the cooling system that’s best for you.
Understanding the SEER AC Rating
The AC efficiency rating used for residential split-system cooling units is known as the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, better known as SEER. An AC unit’s SEER number is determined by dividing the cooling output by the energy used. The cooling output is measured for an entire cooling season, and energy is measured in watt-hours. The minimum rating for Eastern North Carolina is SEER 14.
Higher SEER Drives Efficiency and Comfort
There is another benefit of knowing your SEER ratings. Of course, the higher the SEER, the more energy-efficient the cooling system. Additionally, a higher SEER number on an AC unit typically means that the cooling system is going to have components that drive performance and better comfort. Look for variable-speed compressors and blower motors if you’re looking for a higher-SEER-rated cooling system. An AC unit outfitted with these components will deliver longer and smoother cooling cycles and make your home more comfortable.
Which AC SEER Is Right for You?
A higher SEER rated cooling system will cost more upfront as compared to a lower rated SEER system, but it will be well worth the investment. Choosing the more energy efficient cooling system will pay for the difference in just a few years with the substantial energy savings, especially when you consider the hot and humid Eastern NC summers. Your HVAC professional will be able to provide what SEER is best for the size and cooling needs of your home.
For all your home heating and cooling needs, contact us at Jackson & Sons for more information!