What You Can Do to Lessen the AC Strain on Your System This Summer

What You Can Do to Lessen the AC Strain on Your System This Summer

Though summertime’s for living easy (or so the song goes), keeping your house comfortably cool can create significant AC strain. Your central air-conditioning system incorporates moving parts and pressurized gas, as well as high-voltage electricity and a very hot environment. Wear and tear (aka AC strain) is inevitable.

In mild weather, an AC in a typical home cycles on for about 15 minutes three times per hour. During a summer heat wave, conversely, the air conditioner may run almost nonstop to maintain desired indoor temperatures. In all conditions, steps to reduce AC strain lower operating costs, reduce repairs, and help extend system life expectancy. Here are some suggestions to make summer easier on your central air conditioner:

To minimize AC strain while maximizing cool comfort this summer, talk to the professionals at Jackson & Sons.

Dependable Service Throughout Eastern NC

When you need heating or air conditioning repairs, maintenance or system replacements, you need a company you can count on for dependability and quality service. Contact us at Jackson & Sons at 919-636-6222. Our professional team of technicians look forward to providing energy efficient and cost effective solutions to keep your home or business comfortable at all times.

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