Let’s be honest, there is never a good time for your heating system to break down and dealing with getting it repaired in a timely manner can be extremely stressful. Just about everyone can relate to this scenario, but do you know what to do in the event you need emergency heating repair? Are you aware there are some warning signs that indicate your furnace may be on the brink of a breakdown? Here’s what to know:
Warning Signs of Heating Emergencies
As sophisticated and energy efficient as today’s furnaces and heat pumps are, with age and other elements, mechanical issues will occur at some point. Keep in mind some of the warning signs that can be helpful in knowing when to contact your HVAC professional to avoid an untimely mechanical breakdown. Here’s a few things to be aware of:
- Loud Noises. Noises coming from your heating system such as banging, whistling, rattling, or humming could mean your system is about to breakdown due to a mechanical failure.
- Cool Air. When your heating system is blowing cool air through the vents, there are a range of issues that could be causing the problem from dirty air filters, ductwork problems, or mechanical issues.
- Odors. Natural gas or heating oil odors can be due to a dangerous leak. The smell of rotten eggs is a huge warning sign not to be ignored.
- Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarming. A carbon monoxide monitor will warn of a potential deadly situation. Get out of the home immediately. If anyone is experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as headaches, dizziness, vomiting, seek medical attention immediately. Keep in mind that a Carbon Monoxide leak can be a life-threatening emergency. Each home should have a carbon monoxide monitor.
What to Do During Heating Emergencies
The most dangerous emergency heating situation is a gas leak. If you smell the odor of rotten eggs coming from the vents or from the furnace or you suspect there is a gas leak leave your home immediately with your family and pets and call 911.
If you hear rattling or grinding noises coming from the furnace or vents, turn the system off and call your HVAC contractor. Your heating and air professional should be able to tell you if it’s safe to turn the system back on before he or she arrives for emergency heating repair.
For all your home heating and air needs, contact the pros at Jackson & Sons.