When running a successful business, it’s important to be able to power the equipment that runs your company. That’s why surge protectors are essential. They allow you to run more equipment simultaneously, while protecting your electronics from overload. They also protect against power surges during blackouts and brownouts, which could otherwise damage equipment permanently. What makes a good commercial surge protector? Here are some things you should look for.
Buying a Commercial Surge Protector
First, choose how many ports you need to plug equipment in. For a busy organization, more is generally better. Look for at least eight ports, instead of the typical six, as it will allow you more freedom, and make it less likely that you’ll run out of room. For high traffic areas, you might even consider a protector with 12 ports. It’s better to have too many than too few.
Look for higher joule ratings as well. A surge protector can only absorb so much power in its lifetime before it gives out. The higher the joules, the more power it can absorb, and the longer it will last. Get one that has at least a year warranty, so you know you can rely on it over time.
Finally, look for the UL seal. A UL rating of at least 400 V is best. This shows that it’s been tested by Underwriter’s Laboratories and meets their rigorous standards, to handle power surges of up to 400 volts and keep you safe.
HVAC Surge Protection
One of the most important places for a surge protector is your HVAC system. A sudden electrical surge, or an interruption in power, could cause expensive damage to your A/C and furnace. However, an ordinary surge protector won’t work, due to the higher voltage of these appliances. Fortunately, there are commercial surge protectors designed for greater power levels than regular surge protectors. These HVAC surge protectors guard your system against electricity fluctuations and keep it running smoothly.
For commercial surge protection for your HVAC system contact Jackson & Sons. We serve all of Eastern North Carolina’s commercial and residential comfort needs.