Surviving the Hottest Days of Summer

Surviving the Hottest Days of Summer

Summer has arrived and it is humid and hot, which leaves us all trying to stay cool whenever possible. The good news is that you can survive the sweltering heat by following these simple tips:

Schedule Bi-Annual Maintenance Tune Ups

All HVAC systems need regular maintenance tune ups regardless of the age of the unit to keep it clean and working most efficiently. HVAC systems are built to last for many years, but keep in mind that once a unit gets some age on it, its efficiency is not the same as in newer systems. That doesn’t mean you need to replace it just yet, to keep it running most efficiently schedule a maintenance tune up with a qualified HVAC professional. This will help ensure your cooling capabilities and prolong its operational lifespan.

Block the Sun

If you would like to keep the sun out of your home, the first thing you can do is close the blinds and curtains. You may even want to invest in “blackout” curtains or blinds, which work extraordinarily well. Either way, this technique will lower your home’s temperature and lower your energy expenditure.

Switch to a Zoned System

Traditional cooling systems work by circulating the air throughout the entire home all at once, which is not the most efficient option for most homes. A zoned system will allow you to set the desired temperature in each zoned area allowing you and those in your household to stay comfortable without wasting energy and money.

Ceiling Fans

In the summer, ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to push cool air down to the floor in your home. The cool air evaporates perspiration and creates a wind chill effect, which makes you feel cooler without affecting the room temperature. If you do not feel air movement, the fan is spinning clockwise. Smaller fans can also be added to rooms such as the laundry room to aid in keeping it cooler when the dryer is on.

Drink Lots of Water

During the summer months, your body is bound to lose a ton of water, especially if you’re exerting yourself. The general understanding is that every person should be drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water every day, but when it’s especially hot outside, you should probably drink more. This will help you stay cool throughout the day.

If you need more cooling solutions now that summer has arrived, be sure to contact the HVAC professionals at Jackson & Sons. Serving the needs of Eastern North Carolina for over 44 years.

Jackson & Sons, Inc.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Eastern North Carolina (including Wayne, Johnston, Greene, Lenoir, Pitt and Duplin Counties) about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

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