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Stella NC Heating Air & Conditioning Services

Jackson and Sons has been serving the heating and air conditioning needs of Stella, NC residents and businesses since 1974.

Our reviews below from your neighbors in Stella, NC tell the story of our quality, dedication and commitment to customer service.

Local Reviews
for Stella, NC

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1, NC (1)
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Joseph C.

Joseph C.

Tech arrived and customer stated system didn’t seem to keep up to well first thing in the morning, upon arrival tech found thermostat satisfied, tech cycled system checked refrigerant pressures and found no issues, tested defrost cycle and sensor to ensure defrost is operating properly, tech checked heat strip operation and found no challenges all test show no challenges thermostat is reading correct temperature and satisfied tech was unable to find any challenges.

Near White Oak Bluff Rd, Stella, NC 28582
Matthew L.

Matthew L.

Labeled both systems in main disconnect. Replaced light switch in attic that failed after system replacement.

Near White Oak Bluff Rd, Stella, NC 28582
Aidan T.

Aidan T.

Tech performed two system ESA, tech found no issues with either system at todays visit. Customer stated she had concerns about dust and debris in auxiliary drain pans. Tech cleaned both pans and no further issue. Both systems are back on and operating properly at this time. Tech spoke with customer about renewal and customer renewed.

Near Red Oak Dr, Stella, NC 28582
Kyle W.

Kyle W.


Near Red Oak Dr, Stella, NC 28582
Matthew L.

Matthew L.

On arrival, customer reported that focus pro is new and was installed on old 2009 model Trane system. Says he noticed 2009 Trane outdoor unit running, but did not hear blower. Tech checked focus pro settings and found them correct. Changed aux heat cycle rate for electric instead of gas aux heat cycle rate. Variable speed blower inside 2009 Trane AHU ramped up and responded correctly. Runs on low for 3 minutes and ramps up to higher cooling speed after time delay. Checked refrigerant pressures and found system severely low on R410a. Switched to heating mode to confirm. Distributors freeze immediately. There is a sticker that reports a fluorescent dye has been added in the past. Indoor coil appears to have been replaced in the past. Tech estimated 2009 Trane system is 4-6 lbs low on R410a. Tech confirmed that indoor coil inside 2009 Trane AHU is leaking refrigerant. See video and picture of green dye. Tech recommends system replacement due to age of system and cost of non warranty c

Near White Oak Bluff Rd, Stella, NC 28582
Bryce C.

Bryce C.

Emailed Mr Willis proposal with units he requested.

Near White Oak Bluff Rd, Stella, NC 28582
Derek J.

Derek J.

Upon arrival tech was informed unit did not seem to heat very well and thermostat never changed temp reading after adjusting it. Tech inspected AH and Condenser and unit is operating correctly. Tech did have the thermostat reading lower than room temperature. Tech replaced thermostat with FP 5000 under warranty.

Near White Oak Bluff Rd, Stella, NC 28582
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