Should you open windows during the hot weather of summer? If your home is not air conditioned, the decision is usually not complicated: If the outside air temperature exceeds the indoor temperature, close windows and run fans to keep air moving inside the house. As sunlight streaming through windows introduces heat energy into the home, it’s also a good idea to close curtains and blinds.
When the home has central air conditioning, consider the following as open windows can have some drawbacks, depending on your locale and climate. Here are a few:
- As a general rule, you should only consider opening windows when outdoor temperatures are lower than indoor temperatures.
- Naturally high outdoor humidity entering the home through open windows can spawn the growth of mold or mildew inside the home.
- Those with allergies may want to reconsider opening the windows, as pesky allergens like pollen will come into your home and make you miserable.
- Expect to see more dust in your home with the windows open.
- High outdoor humidity accumulating indoors will make the air conditioner work harder once turned on.
- High summer temperatures as well as high humidity can cause issues for those with breathing problems and other medical conditions.
With the hot and humid Eastern North Carolina summers, opening windows is not the best option if seeking indoor comfort. For those who love to open window in their home, spring or fall may be a better time to consider this option.
For home and business cooling, heating, and indoor air quality solutions contact the professionals at Jackson & Sons.