Proactive steps to eliminate household mold can ensure a healthier indoor environment now, as well as preventing future contamination. Microscopic mold spores exist everywhere in nature. However, these dormant, inert spores are typically harmless unless and until they’re activated by specific conditions. Preventing the factors that trigger active mold contamination inside the home is the best course of action to eliminate mold and avoid potential health issues.
Dormant mold spores require only a few essentials to transform into active, growing contamination. Active mold spreads by releasing millions of airborne, reproductive spores. Within the confines of a home, the spore concentration is much higher than encountered outdoors. When inhaled by individuals with specific sensitivities, physical reactions to the spores range from irritation to allergic symptoms and even chronic illness.
Moisture Matters Most When It Comes Time to Eliminate Mold
Inhibit indoor mold contamination by eliminating the main factor that activates it: moisture. Here are some tips to eliminate mold by eliminating moisture:
- Maintain indoor humidity below 60%. For best results to prevent triggering active mold contamination, the most effective humidity range is between 30% and 50%.
- Repair indoor plumbing leaks promptly. Don’t allow “minor” drips to persist, particularly in areas of the house such as the basement or crawl space. Also, insulate cold water supply pipes that may “sweat” condensation in warm indoor areas and feed mold.
- Have HVAC components regularly maintained to prevent mold growth in moist components such as AC coils.
- Frequently humid rooms — mainly the kitchen and bathrooms — should have exhaust fans to vent moist air all the way to the exterior of the house.
- Inspect the attic for roof leakage during rainstorms and make necessary repairs.
- Eliminate sources of moisture in the basement, including cracks in basement walls and ground water seeping up through the floor.
What To Do If …
If you discover mold growth in your home — or strongly suspect it — get an inspection by a qualified mold-remediation specialist to identify and eliminate factors that trigger mold, then apply professional techniques to locate and remove active contamination. Then, your HVAC contractor will be able to provide solutions for preventing issues in the future.
For professional advice and options to eliminate mold issues and the causes of it, contact Jackson & Sons.