Keeping your home comfortable for you and your family is extremely important, as is finding ways to conserve energy. After all, conserving energy allows you to reduce your living expenses — and it also aids in benefiting the environment.
It can be difficult to find an acceptable home comfort temperature during the winter months while keeping home energy bills within your budget. If this sounds like a familiar dilemma, consider the following ways to conserve energy use in your home this winter and beyond.
Repair or Replace Old Windows
Sometimes repairing a drafty window is nothing more than caulking and or adding new weatherstripping. Both are cost-effective ways to keep the warm air inside your home this winter.
Old single-pane windows are notorious for allowing heat loss. Cracks and air leaks can develop over time that create uncomfortable and expensive drafts. Replacing old drafty windows will require money up front but the energy efficient windows are definitely a way to conserve energy costs for years to come.
LED Lighting
Indoor lighting accounts for approximately 10% of the typical household energy usage, switching to light-emitting diode (LED) lights can save money and energy if you’re still using incandescent or halogen bulbs.
Professional Heating System Services
Just like your car, your home heating system requires regular professional service to run at maximum efficiency. Schedule maintenance with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor to help keep energy bills lower and to prevent breakdowns. During the precision maintenance tune up visit, the technician will inspect the ductwork as well to ensure no leaks or tears require a repair.
For more information about ways to conserve energy in your Eastern North Carolina home or to schedule service, please contact the pros at Jackson & Sons.