Most homeowners realize that HVAC filter changes are critical for optimum heating and cooling, as well as for maximum efficiency and low operating costs. In fact, replacing the filter is sufficiently important that the warranty terms of many major heating and cooling manufacturers includes a requirement for regular filter changes to keep the warranty valid.
A clean air filter is directly related to these important factors:
- Optimum air circulation to all parts of the home
- Lower operating costs because furnaces and air conditioners run shorter cycles
- Healthier indoor air quality as airborne particulates are effectively removed from the air
- Reduced wear and tear on vital furnace and air-conditioning components
The best approach to filter management is to have a qualified professional inspect the filter and make the decision to replace or not. For example, if you are receiving regular planned maintenance, the service includes HVAC filter changes at that time, if needed.
Factors that a technician considers to make that decision include:
- The type and quality of filter media installed in the system
- The rated size of HVAC components. A larger furnace or AC circulates more air through the filter. Dust, dirt, and other contaminants accumulate in the filter faster.
- Local climate conditions affect typical hours of daily furnace or AC operation. Heating or cooling components may run many more hours daily during one season versus another time of year. In that case, filter replacement may be required more frequently.
- Size of the house is a factor too. More square footage means more particulates are in the air, so the system filter will need replacement more often.
- Individual conditions inside the house play a role. Issues such as residents with sensitivities to specific airborne particulates such as dust, mold spores, and other contaminants must be considered.
- In general, depending on these and other considerations, HVAC filter changes may be needed as often as every 30 days or as infrequently as twice a year.
For more information about how professional HVAC service, including filter changes, helps keep your home healthy and efficient in all seasons, contact Jackson & Sons.